Departure time: 9h00
Departure from Tropical Manaus Hotel by boat to finally reach Paradise Village, scenic city of the featured film “The Jungle”. The tour starts in the warehouse, where occurred the embarkation and disembarkation of rubber, heading to the Big House of seringalista that well reflects the wealth of the rubber when the rubber was at the height of its economic value. The tour continues in Barracão de Aviamento, visit of the Chapel and flour mill showing the craft process of making cassava flour. Following the trail in the woods we will know the tree rubber and latex collection process. Visit of the hut where we can see the Smoking process of rubber, which becomes latex balls. Visit of the modest house of the Seringueiro (rubber worker) completing our journey script that portrays the life and customs of old rubber plantations in the Amazon. On our way back to Tropical Manaus Hotel, we will make a brief stop on the beach with the possibility of swimming. Scheduled arrival at 13:00 (depending on the type of vessel).